To find the folder ID of a folder in your Google Drive, you can follow these steps:
Open Google Drive: Go to your Google Drive homepage by visiting and log in if prompted.
Locate the Folder: Navigate to the folder whose ID you want to find. You can browse through your folders or use the search bar to locate it quickly.
Get Shareable Link: Right-click on the folder you want and select "Share" from the menu. This will open a window where you can manage sharing settings.
Find the ID: In the sharing settings window, you'll see a link to the folder. The folder ID is the string of characters after "/folders/" or "/drive/folders/" in the link. It typically looks like a long string of random letters, numbers, and symbols.
For example:
- If your link is:
- Then the folder ID is: 1aBcDe2FghIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYzAbCdE
That's it! You've found the folder ID of your Google Drive folder. You can now use this ID for various purposes like sharing, organizing, or accessing files programmatically.