How to add non Amazon items to Wishlist in 2024

To add non-Amazon items to your Amazon Wishlist, you can use the "Universal Wishlist" feature. Here's how:

  1. Install Amazon Assistant: Download and install the Amazon Assistant browser extension for your web browser.

  2. Browse Non-Amazon Sites: Go to the website where the item you want to add to your Amazon Wishlist is listed.

  3. Click Amazon Assistant Button: When you find the item you want, click on the Amazon Assistant browser extension button in your browser's toolbar.

  4. Add to Wishlist: Select the option to add the item to your Amazon Wishlist.

  5. Check Your Amazon Wishlist: Open your Amazon account and navigate to your Wishlist to see the item you added.

This feature allows you to add items from almost any website to your Amazon Wishlist, making it convenient to keep track of all the products you're interested in, regardless of where they're sold.


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